Dr. Keith Karnok, Professor of Agronomy at the University of Georgia, is the author of more than 275 publications related to turfgrass science. He received his BS and MS degrees in Agronomy from the University of Arizona, his PhD from Texas A&M University in Turfgrass Physiology. Dr. Karnok began his teaching and research career at Ohio State University where he taught both introductory and advanced courses in turfgrass management. In 1983, he joined the faculty in the Department of Crop and Soil Sciences at the University of Georgia. In addition to teaching a course on career preparation and professionalism, Dr. Karnok teaches courses in turfgrass management and advises undergraduate students specializing in turfgrass science. Dr. Karnok serves as an instructor and coordinator of two distance education programs administered by the University of Georgia. The most recent is a continuing education (CEU based) course specific to sports field management. In cooperation with the Professional Lawn Care Association of America (now PLANET, Professional Landcare Network) and administered by the University of Georgia Certificate Programs, Dr. Karnok developed Principles of Turfgrass Management which is a CEU based correspondence program. This basic program has had more than 5,000 students from all 50 states and 30 countries. In addition to the distance education programs with the University of Georgia, Dr. Karnok has developed two online courses (Managing Localized Dry Spots and Wetting Agent Use on the Golf Course) for GCSAA.

Dr. Karnok has more than 35 years experience with both cool and warm season turfgrasses. His research interests include those factors affecting turfgrass root growth, the cause and control of localized dry spots caused by water-repellent soils, the use of wetting agents and the understanding and use of turfgrass biostimulants. Dr. Karnok is a member of the International Turfgrass Society (ITS), Crop Science Society of America (CSSA), American Society of Agronomy (ASA), American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) and the North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture (NACTA). He is also a member of the Golf Course Superintendents Association of America and the Sports Turf Managers Association. Dr. Karnok has chaired or served on numerous committees associated with these organizations. He served as editor of the scientific journal Crop Science. Crop Science is one of the most respected scientific journals in agriculture. He is a past president of NACTA and has served on the board of directors of the Council for Agricultural Science and Technology (CAST). Dr. Karnok is the recipient of many awards including the status of "Fellow" in CSSA, ASA, AAAS and NACTA. The designation of "Fellow" is the highest honor bestowed by a scientific society. He has also received the "Fred V. Grau Turfgrass Science Award" from the Crop Science Society of America in recognition of significant career contributions in turfgrass science. Finally, he has received 25 honors and awards for teaching excellence, including the "Josiah Meigs Award for Excellence in Teaching," which is the University of Georgia's highest teaching honor.

B.S.A. University of Arizona Agronomy/Plant Pathology, May 1973
M.S. University of Arizona Agronomy, May 1974
Ph.D. Texas A&M University Agronomy, May 1977


Assistant Professor Ohio State University 3/77-12/82
Assistant Professor University of Georgia 1/83-6/87
Associate Professor University of Georgia 7/87-6/93
Professor University of Georgia 7/93-Present


American Society of Agronomy (ASA)
Crop Science Society of America (CSSA)
National Association of Teachers of Agriculture (NACTA)
Council for Agricultural and Science Technology (CAST)
American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)
International Turfgrass Society (ITS)


Gamma Sigma Delta
Phi Kappa Phi
Sigma Xi
AGHON (UGA Agriculture Society


Golf Course Superintendents Association of America
Sports Turf Managers Association
Georgia Golf Course Superintendents Association