CRSS 2830 - Sports Turf and Lawn Management
Oasis Title: Sports Turf and Lawn Management. 1 hour


This is a survey-type course that provides an overview of management practices used for maintaining lawn areas and sports fields. Basic principles presented include proper selection of turfgrasses, establishment, fertilization, irrigation, mowing, etc. Classroom discussions and guest speakers will present information on the turf management practices used at Augusta National Golf Club and Turner Field. Students will tour Sanford Stadium, Foley Field and other area sports fields as time permits. Offered fall semester every year.

CRSS 3100 - Career Prepartion and Professionalism
Oasis Title: Career Preparation and Professionalism. 1 hour.
Prerequisite: None.


This course covers the necessary components of becoming a professional in any field. Topics include: Personality analysis, developing a mission statement, writing goals, telephone, cell phone, voice mail, e-mail and business etiquette. Other topics discussed include; professional presence, active listening, dress for success, dining do's and don'ts, the design and importance of business cards, how to run a successful meeting and even how to properly shake a person's hand. Resume writing , resume cover letters and how to prepare for and conduct oneself during a job interview will also be covered. Guest speakers and mock interviews will be featured in the course. This is a very practical, useful and fun course.